Thursday, December 21, 2017

Type of Virtual Services / Stubs / Mocks

Stubs and virtualized applications can be simple or rich. Many vendors provides different service virtualization tools to create stubs and virtualized applications to the level required for support with development and testing.

In this blog we will have a quick look at what are the different types of stubs or virtual services which are required to roll out a quality product early.


Stub Type



There is a hard-coded single response for each specific input.


There are "n" hard-coded responses. A message switch is used to "switch" the response based on the input message.

Data-driven (parameterized)

There is input and/or output data specified in external data sources, for example, databases or spreadsheet files.

Data model-driven

There is input and/or output data in a data model that includes relationships among those data items.


Stubs can be extended with "behaviors" that are Java plug-ins that can respond to messages and proactively cause the stub to behave in a particular way.

All the major vendors like CA, IMB, Smartbear supplies some behaviors with their service virtualization tools but we can write our own. For example, a behavior can be used to make a stub act as a market data feed source.


This comprises a series of Receive Request/Send Response or Subscribe/Publish actions that are based on the message used to create the stub.


Hope this short blog gives you the details to get insight of types of Virtual Services or Stubs


Feel free to share your inputs / suggestions in the comment section below.



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