Friday, October 14, 2016

SOA & SV Approach and roadmap

Following blog give the insight of how SOA & SV assessment is done for an enterprise. These kind of assessments helps the enterprise to answer questions like 

  • What is the current state?
  • Where we want to go?
  • How to reach there?

SOA & SV Approach and roadmap

·  Assess the client SOA & SV readiness and maturity
   Support the selection process for relevant middle layers technology
·  Deliver an SOA & SV Roadmap and Strategy based on long term vision

Stages for any of the engagement are as follows:
Stage 1: SOA &SV Readiness assessment work streams
  •          Business case
  •          Business information and IT alignment
  •          Vision, scope and future drivers
  •          Assessment of readiness
  •          Organization, governance and enterprise programme management
  •          People, tooling and training Gap analysis

Stage 2: SOA & SV road-map work streams
  •          Review of ‘as-is’ and identification of target ‘to-be’ architecture
  •          Existing landscape and ‘to-be’ architecture
  •          Technology application, design and management
  •          Technology selection
  •          Preferred vendors, best of breed solutions
  •          Analysis of key risks, issues, constraints
  •          Required management focus, resource requirements
  •          Incremental transition plan

Approach and Method

The outputs will include an SOA Maturity Assessment Report covering the following dimensions:
Dimensions Covered From The Maturity Assessment Report
  1.       Strategy & Policy
  2.       Strategy Alignment
  3.       SOA & SV Planning Horizon
  4.       Business Change Management

  1.       Programme Portfolio Management
  2.       Asset Portfolio Management
  3.        Funding & Financial Management
  4.       Governance & Quality Assurance
  5.       Business Involvement and Commitment
  6.       Organization & Programme Structure
  7.       Organization Culture
  8.       Sourcing Approach
  9.       Programme & Project Control

  1.                Enterprise Architecture
  2.                Process Architecture
  3.                Technical Architecture
  4.                SOA & SV Method & Approach
  5.                Ownership & Control
  6.                Requirements
  7.                Solution Architecture
  8.                Solution Design
  9.                Data Distribution Design
  10.                Development
  11.                Testing
  12.                Deployment
  13.                Support
  14.                Closure & Harvesting

Each dimension is to be assessed and its maturity document on maturity chart must be used as part of the presentation at the conclusion of the assessment. SOA &SV Road-map Report should be delivered, which is the result of maturity assessment dimensions analysis, grouped and plotted and prioritized onto the planned delivery stages.

The outputs from the engagement provides customer with a succinct list of recommendations on each dimension, and the actions that needed to be taken in order to achieve those recommendations.
Represented summary of the more detailed analysis and findings are provided, which will give customer the opportunity to assess their position and priorities an action plan.
The method of engagement, a process of interviews and meetings, as well as establishing the outputs, provided a forum for discussion, collaboration and sponsorship of the initiative by bringing together the disparate parties to focus on achieving the vision and strategy.
Customer will be able to quickly establish the gaps in their organizational infrastructure, such as an overarching architectural governance committee and put in place actions to address these. 

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