Friday, February 14, 2014

Test step comparison between HP-UFT & CA-LISA

The post will give the step level comparison between HP-Unified Functional Test and CA – LISA. This will give you the details of the type of steps which are required to testing in both of the tools
Below common testing validations are used to do the comparison.
Ø XML request – response
Ø XML validation
Ø Database Validation
Ø Data driven testing
Ø JMS / Broker (IBM webSphere, SoftwareAG webMethods)queues
Ø Compare two XML file
Ø Test Data generation
Ø Conditional Flow control
Ø Other useful features

XML request – response  (HP – UFT)

Basic XML request-response validation
Step 1- First you will have to Import WSDL

Step 2 – You will have to add operation to test flow from the list of available operations

Step 3 – Enter the required inputs / test data in the request
Step 4 – Invoke/Run the test case

The test case is compiled for error and then executed

Step 5 – When the execution is completed, report is generated in new window and request-response is displayed in the report

Step 6 – You can add XML validation step to implement the validation / Checkpoint

XML Request response - (CA-LISA)

Basic XML request-response validation using CA-LISA

Step 1 – Create test case in LISA workstation
Step 2 Add step “web Service Execution (XML) set
Click on Run button at the left corner of the window
Verify the response by using the bottom response tab
Conditional looping is available in this step which is useful to control the looping of the test case which can help is to directly jump to particular test step.
LISA can also post the request to the available endpoint directly without the service been exposed as web service.

Validation – (CA – LISA)

XML Assertions
CA-LISA offers different rich XML assertions as below:

Ensure result contains string: This will help to validation the response contains the expect string anywhere in the response
Ensure step response time: Use to base line the response time of each request
XML side-by-side Comparison: With the help of this assertion we can compare two XML file of which one can be captured at run-time and compared with baseline XML/XSD. Here we can easily ignore tags or tag values.

Database Assertions
Ensure result set size: This can help to validate the result size or any column number of characters
Ensure result set contains Expression: This can help to ensure the result has the expected value. The expected values can be passed using any external data sets like excel.

Other Assertions

HTTP Assertions

Web Assertions

Database – (HP – UFT)

  Oracle SQL client should be installed on the system where the test is to be run.
Step 1.1: Add step to Establish Connection. Provide the connection string. Provide the required details in Connection Builder window. Click on Test connection

Step 1.2: Provide the required details in Connection Builder window. Click on Test connection
Step 1.3 Click on Ok to close the Connection Builder window
Step 2.1: Select “Select Table” step
Step 2.2: Click on Connection from properties

Step 3: Select Execute query step
Step 3.1: Select Connection from the properties

Step 3.2 Enter the command which is to be executed
Step 4: Add step “Close Connection” and select the connection which is to be closed from properties

Database – (CA – LISA)

Oracle .jar files be added to your CLASSPATH. You can put them in the hot deploy directory.
Step 1.1: Add “SQL Database Execution (JDBC)”
Step 1.2: Provide the required connection  details
Step 1.3: Enter the query in SQL statement panel and click on Test/Execute SQL button
Conditional looping is available in this step

You are now ready to create filters and assertions on the result set

Data Driven Testing – (HP – UFT)

MS-Office should be installed
The list of available external data set

Local Table

Data Driven Testing – (CA – LISA)

MS-Office should be installed
The list of available external data set
  Read Rows from a Delimited Data File Data Set
  Create Your Own Data Sheet Data Set
  Create Your Own Set of Large Data Data Set
  Read Rows from a JDBC Table Data Set
  Create a Numeric Counting Data Set
  Read Rows from Excel File Data Set
  Read DTOs from Excel File Data Set
  Unique Code Generator Data Set
  Random Code Generator Data Set 
  Message-Correlation ID Generator Data Set
  Load a Set of File Names Data Set
  XML Data Set 

Read Rows from Excel File Data Set

  Enter file location
  Click on Test and keep
  Below popup will be displayed with values from first row of the excel sheet
  You also have to option to select Sheet 1  / Sheet 2 /….
  Conditional looping is available in this step

JMS / Broker queues IBM webSphere Broker – (HP – UFT)

webSphere Broker Client to be installed on the system where you want to run the test case
Step 1: Add step to Connect to MQ Queue Manager

Step 2: Select Browse Messages in MQ Queues to see the messages which are in queue for processing

Step 3: Add Put Message to MQ queue step

Step 4: Add Get Message From MQ queue to retrieve the message from particular queue

Step 5: Add Disconnect step from MQ queue manager to disconnect

JMS / Broker queues IBM Broker – (CA – LISA)


CA-LISA can easily connect to any database by using thin client.

Below jar to be included in LISA lib folder 

Step 1: Provide the required details like server Connection Info, Subscriber Info, 
Step 1.2: Reply Info, Publisher Info, Message body
Step 1.3: Click on Test button to post the message
Step 1.4: Verify the response in “Response Message” tab
Conditional looping is available in this step

Compare XML Files – (HP – UFT)

You can compare the XML file only with .XSD file
No build in feature available to compare two XML files. You can write code / script to achieve the same.

Compare XML Files – (CA– LISA)

You can use the build in step to compare XML file. Here you can ignore any tags / values and also add assertions. Conditional looping is available in this step which is useful to control the test flow.

Test Data Creation – (HP – UFT)

We can code / script to generate test data like Transaction number, date, correlation ids etc

Test Data Creation – (CA  LISA )

Build in data sets can be used to generate this data and store it in property and can be used in any test cases within the project
  Unique Code Generator data set

  Random Code Generator Data Set 
  Message-Correlation ID Generator Data Set

Other Features – (CA – LISA)

Other Features which are missing in HP – UFT and are available in CA – LISA
1.  SoftwareAG webmethod direct connectivity with below options
We can directly connect to
  wM Broker
  wM Integration Server services
  Message Consumer
  SQL database
  FTP Step 


Below jar to be added to LISA lib directory

We can add webMethod Integration Server Services step and directly select and execute the available packages

Integration Server services step

webMethod Broker Step

Performance Testing

 Ensure Step response time for validation of each request – response

Other useful features
  JMS Messaging
  Filters to easily filter data and use it across the test execution


  1. Thanks Vishal for the comparison of HP UFT and iTKO LISA functionalities.


  2. Very Helpful information...

  3. If possible could you please post web application testing steps in LISA.

  4. Thanks guys for going through the blog.
    Please follow this blog for further posts and also make sure to mention your name/email id for my reference and personal assistance/support

    Thanks again

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hi Dear Vishal,
    We would like to learn LISA in online ,can you please provide the training for the same.
    Many thanks,

  7. Please give me a call for course details and time duration and other details-8879799512

  8. Please contact CA Technologies for your training requirements.
    I don't provide trainings


  9. Hi Dear Vishal,
    Can you please reconsider on this,pleading you to spare some time at least a Week end and some material,please charge accordingly, your valuable knowledge will help us to get a job.
    Many Thanks,

  10. Hi Vishal,
    Please suggest which tool is best to go for Web service Automation UFT or LISA?

    Thank you.

